ISLT 7310: Digital Modeling for serious games

Course description: Discussion and critical study of current developments in the field of information science and learning technologies.

Reflection: This course was my first introduction to Blender. And while I did not find it easy it helped me to understand all that goes into those little images we take for granted in animated films or games. Twine was an easier feat and I was able to create a narrative game that helped students engage with various storytelling elements in an African setting.

Blog: Reflections on the Narrative Process

Game: Meqoqo

ISLT 9480: Internship in ISLT

Course description: Discussion and critical study of current developments in the field of information science and learning technologies.

Reflection: In this course Dr. Joe Griffin from Adroit Studios helped me streamline my 2-pager for grant funding. The process took time to get my hands on but through weeks of practice I finally understood the simplicity of it all. It was a very productive summer term.

Blog: Summertime Quest
Link: 2-Pager

ISLT 7384: designing games for learning

Course description: Learn why games can be useful in learning and how to design them. Play some exemplary games that will help you understand the mechanics of game design and work incrementally towards designing and developing your own educational game prototype via game modifications (“mods”), engaging in gaming communities, evaluating existing games, building learning plans using games and learning the basics of a simple gaming shell language.

Reflection: Dr. Oprean made design something I could learn to fall in love with! This was my first actual game design course and it challenged me to look at learning objectives in a new lens. It made me think about the elements of fun and how to intertwine them for students.

Blog: Basics of Literacy

ISLT 7888: Introduction to VR enabled instruction

Course description:This course concentrates on establishing your own virtual reality instructional environment applying instructional design theories and hands-on technical skills including 3D modeling and simple scripting in VR.

Reflection: Dr. X challenged us to think past our normal 4 walls and how it would differ in a VR environment. We worked in teams to create collective worlds that looked at how the topic of space could be intertwined.

Blog: VR Odyssey


ISLT 7308: game engine skills

Course description: This course – via hands-on activities and projects – will immerse you into learning to use the basic functionalities of a Game Engine (e.g. Unity or Unreal). This is a skills course. You will learn to use the game engine so you can prototype games on your own.

Reflection: I enjoyed this course because of its focus on Unity, it removed the difficulties of Blender and intertwined not only design but the creation of games. To make it easier for me to learn I took a course during the summer to learn how to manuever in the platform.

Blog: Incorporating Coding Cultural Chronicles

ISLT 9450: Research methods in ISLT

Course description: Research methods and ethics of research in the social sciences, focusing on the information professions and learning technologies.

Reflection: This course helped me not only incorporate the knowledge from ISLT but to design and compile a research proposal. I have found the content helpful in understanding the ends and outs of writing effective research papers.

Blog: Conservation in Education

ISLT 9486: Advanced Game Design for Learning

Course description: Apply knowledge of serious game design to real-world problems in the learning community by working with a real client. Incrementally design a game prototype to pitch to Adroit Studios gaming lab. Evaluate the success of learning in game design using instructional frameworks.

Reflection: This course made me a confident designer. I not only was able to learn and comprehend the material, but I used it in my immediate environment to create changes for local classrooms in rural South Africa.

Blog: Supercharged


ISLT 9471: Instructional Systems Design​

Course description: Develop knowledge and skills related to the systematic design of instruction. Learn to analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate learning systems and instruction. Identify appropriate technologies to support learning and explore alternative models of instructional design.

Reflection: ISD is not something that you just do, it is something that you structurally become. In this course I not only learned how to develop training materials but learned how to make those plans work successfully. 

Blog: Blueprints

Link: ISD doc

ISLT 9474: Front-end Analysis of Systems

Course description: Develop skills for systematically analyzing learning, or other types of systems, that need to be improved. Develop data collection instruments (e.g. surveys, observation protocols, interviews); analyze secondary data; analyze tasks or activities in the system, and interpret data to make recommendations for system improvement. Skills will be learned by doing and applying to real systems that need improvement.

Reflection: This course seems like a water down version of ISD but I am finding it helpful when it comes to designing effective solutions utilizing surveys, PA, and TNA.

Blog: Transforming Conservation

ISLT 9466: Learning Analytics​

Course description: Learn how to discover, interpret, and communicate meaningful data patterns In this introductory course. Explore models and applications of learning analytics, as well as privacy and ethical considerations related to the collection and dissemination of learning data. Gain hands-on experience with analytics technologies (e.g., Tableau or Python) that can be used to prepare, visualize, and share data pertaining to learning.

Reflection: This course challenged me to think about how I presented information in my research. It also helped me to learn Tableau and make sense of the data I had acquired working with Wits University in South Africa. With this data, I was able to make conclusions about how to approach my game design.

Blog: Visualizing Learning

ISLT 9473: Project Management​

Course description: This course introduces the learner to the necessary and practical project management concepts and skills that lead to reductions in project cycle time while maintaining control over budget, resources, risk, and delivered value. This course proposes to integrate practical project management skills within the project management lifecycle (i.e., initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing).

Reflection: This course was so practical and crucial for my first project that I designed with William James College and Shamiri Institute. It helped me plan for those big pitfalls that normally happen in poorly planned projects. I was also able to pick up another skill of SmartSheets!

Blog: Fusion

ISLT 7378: Technology in Schools and Learning Technology Portfolio Development

Course description: This course supports students in the Technology in Schools emphasis area, and the Learning Technologies and Design masters to develop portfolios to document their achievements of the competencies for their programs. TiS students will demonstrate mastery of the ISTE Standards and commitment to ongoing learning.

For Learning Technologies and Design students, they will develop portfolios that demonstrate attainment of the degree competencies documented on the SISLT web site. Web development skills are required.

Reflection: It was nice to see all that I learned over the past two years and how I am assured that I want to pursue more within the Information and Technology field.